Maharaja Store

Malabar Treats – Sugar Candy 200g


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Sugar Candy, also commonly known as Kalkkandam (കൽക്കണ്ടം) is a healthy alternative to refined white sugar. White sugar candy or white sugar rock candy is made by evaporating the sap of the palm tree flower until it becomes a thick syrup. This syrup is then cooled to form the rock candy crystals which are then broken down to pieces.

At Malabar Treats, we don’t believe in half-measures. Our mission is 100% quality, purity and authenticity. From our ten thousand acres of farms to our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility; from our meticulous manufacturing process to our global standard quality control, we ensure that you get what you pay for: pure, wholesome, high-quality food products.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs